"In 1979, Israeli sociologist Aaron Antonovsky coined the term salutogenesis to describe an approach to health that focuses on enhancing well-being, not just eradicating disease. You’re healthy when you have a sense of coherence, or a belief that your life is comprehensible, or structured, predictable, and explicable; manageable, meaning that most of your circumstances are within your control and you have the resources to meet life’s demands; and meaningful, or full of interest and goodness, in a way that makes you care about the outcomes.” — Melody Warnick
“For what it’s worth... it’s never too late, or in my case too early, to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit. Start whenever you want. You can change or stay the same. There are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you’ve never felt before. I hope you meet people who have a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of, and if you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start over again.”
― Eric Roth, from a screenplay based on an F. Scott Fitzgerald short story
"Movement can be defined as 'any motion that creates a change in shape of a body or parts of a body' --and need not be bound to an intention or calorie expenditure, or limited to physical fitness variables. Movement is not defined by a physiological outcome, but by a transition in geometry. The human body can move and be moved in numerous ways beyond those that utilize skeletal muscle: for instance, horripilation, or 'goose bumps,' in response to cold; the pressure-deformation of parts interfacing with sitting and sleeping surfaces; or loads to the tongue and jaw during breastfeeding or chewing. Yet these movements are currently underrepresented without a definition of movement outside of physical activity." Katy Bowman, biomechanist
"Your movement timeline is crucial, as your body has been shaped by your movement experience. And when I say movement, I mean more than just exercise. I'm talking about every motion your body has made and every position it has maintained throughout your lifetime.
Imagine your body is made of clay, with each type and frequency of movement shaping the physical outcome. Take your imaginary body-ball-of-clay through your personal movement timeline, considering your early development, favorite activities, accidents or sports injuries, footwear habits, the desks at school, your favorite couch, and driving postures. Create the 'resultant' shape in your mind. Now go look in the mirror. The molded clay in your mind should look like you, right now in the mirror. What you have done to date has resulted in your 'shape'. And remember, thanks to our understanding of loads and epigenetics, we know that the literal shape you are in affects not only the function of your body's tissue, but also your cellular health. In short, it affects everything." Katy Bowman
“Because your brain is connected to your body 100% of the time, your social health, emotional health, and physical health are intricately, inextricably intertwined.” — Rachel Zoffness, MS, PhD
“There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy.” ― Nietzsche
Applies to both physical & mental: "When we repeat our patterns of unconscious behavior, we do what we've always done and we get what we've always got." -- Emma Reed Turrell
"Every time we hear and act on our feelings in an authentic way, we give ourselves the message that we matter. We create a new pathway where we have permission to feel, our feelings are valid and we can take meaningful action to resolve them. The more we experience the positive outcomes of acting on our feelings, the more likely we will be to do it again and the loop becomes a virtuous circle." — Emma Reed Turrell