Three things I encourage my clients to do: move (not the same as exercise), hydrate, utilize heat.
If you find yourself repeatedly hurting yourself with your chosen form of exercise than it is beyond time to: cross-train, reevaluate form, emphasis recovery as an important part of training.
Back strengthening exercises that keep the back in a more neutral position:
Bird Dogs, Dead Bugs, Planks, Side Planks
Stretches that can help with back pain, modify accordingly to not exasperate exaggerated over or under lumbar curvature:
Child's Pose, Cat/Cow, Supine Hamstring Stretch with Strap, Bridges, Hulu Stretch (client favorite), Figure 4 Stretch
Pain is a signal that something is "not right", but how we experience it is complex:
Great break down of when to use heat or cold:
Because people don't understand what homeopathy means and that lack of understanding can be either dangerous or involve expensive water:
Because I get asked about this all the time: